We have been busy little bees and enjoying all areas of learning in Prep this term. We have been learning lots of new sounds and ‘Tricky Words’ during our Literacy blocks and are very proud of ourselves and the progress we are making with reading and writing. We have been exploring measurement in Maths and […]
Catholic Education Week
Communities of Faith, Hope and Love. We have had a successful Catholic Education Week with the highlights being the Dance Performances and community gathering on Thursday evening and our Catholic Education Week Liturgy on Friday. My observations in my time in Weipa, is that you are certainly a community of faith, hope and love! We […]
Weipa Visit by Queensland Governor
Today, Her Excellency The Honourable, Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM hosted a Community Morning Tea in support of the community of Weipa. Year 6 students were invited to write to me to outline why they should be the boy or girl school representative at this function. Congratulations to Faith and Jayden who accompanied me to […]
Welcome Back to Term 3
As we start another busy term, I welcome all families back and hope that everyone had a restful, safe holiday. I’m excited to be filling in as Acting Principal for the first 5 weeks of term. I have found the students very welcoming and well-behaved, the staff extremely committed, pastoral and professional and the facilities […]
What a wonderful term
What a wonderful term it has been! The Winners of the 2023 Athletics Carnival are EMBLEY!! Congratulations to all those who participated and a BIG thank you to all the Staff and Volunteers that made the day a great success! We all enjoyed our NAIDOC celebrations on Friday morning. Check out our latest newsletter for […]
Next week there are various celebrations taking place as St Joseph’s celebrates NAIDOC Week. The theme for this year is For Our Elders. Monday – Smoking Ceremony 8:45am. Mass in the Church with Father Dariusz 9am. Tuesday – 9:00-10:30am Kindy, Prep and Year 1 and Year 5 assisting with NAIDOC Week Activities on the Basketball Court. All […]
2024 Prep Enrolments Due
2024 seems a long way away, but for the school we are already putting processes in place for next year’s Prep class, including identifying how many applicants we have and finalising our Prep cut-off numbers. If you are wanting to have two smaller Prep classes, we will need to have over 30 students enrolled so […]
Athletics Carnival
Our athletics carnival is coming around quickly. It will be held at the Andoom Oval on Thursday 22nd June and will start early. ALL children will need to be at the Oval by 8am ready for events starting at 8:15am. P-2 will be bused back to the school approximately around 12:30pm after relays, ready for a […]
Reconciliation Week
Our School community is committed to providing a culturally safe environment where all children belong and an experience respect, justice, equity, and dignity. At our Reconciliation Liturgy today, we gathered to unite our hearts with First Nations communities as we recognised and reflected on the wrongs that have been done in the past and take […]
Come and Try Prep Days Coming Up
There are many things to celebrate that have taken place this year and more recently, this term. There have been many wonderful events which have brought new and old faces together including ANZAC Day, Mother’s Day and Under 8’s. There have also been a number of sporting events that have taken place, Cross Country, the […]