We have been busy little bees and enjoying all areas of learning in Prep this term. We have been learning lots of new sounds and ‘Tricky Words’ during our Literacy blocks and are very proud of ourselves and the progress we are making with reading and writing. We have been exploring measurement in Maths and materials during Science lessons. We loved designing and building bridges this week where we had to think about the types of materials that were on offer and what would be suitable for a bridge based on its properties. Religion has seen us looking at different choices we make and how we have the freedom to choose between positive and poor choices and we are enjoying sharing and relating to real life experiences. During Technology, we have been investigating different types of hardware and software and in History, exploring the past and present and how things have changed.
This fortnight we celebrated Catholic Education Week where we explored how Faith, Love and Hope show up in our every day lives. We shared experiences and stories from our own lives and enjoyed listening to the stories from others too.