Week 2 has been another great week of learning across the school as students continue to be settled and following the 4R’s in and outside the classroom. Our school expectations are that we are Respectful, Responsible, Resilient and Ready for Learning, these expectations are consistent across all settings in the school the students will hear the same message from each staff member.
This week the students in Year 2-6 students enjoyed an extra Physical Education lesson as Athletics Australia led an Athletics to the Outback session. The feedback was very positive from the children as they enjoyed being challenged while being active.
On Tuesday and Thursday welcomed the Kindy children from C&K Weipa to the Come and Try sessions to explore life in Prep and experience some of the learning that takes place. Next week we welcome the Kindy children from C&K Napranum for the same experience.
This coming Thursday 28th July there will be a P&F Meeting at 7pm. All parents are welcome to attend and give suggestions on how to spend some of the school’s funds. The upcoming School Dance and Father’s Day Colour Run will also be on the agenda.