Term 4 historically moves very quickly, and this year has been no different. In weeks 2, 3 and 4 this term, we held our Prep Transition Days. It was wonderful to see our future Preps interacting with our students, getting a taste of what school will be like at St Joseph’s. In conjunction with the Prep transition days, the leadership team facilitated parent information sessions to outline all the key things that our future Prep parents need to know in preparing their child for school next year. I’d like to thank our parents for their attendance at these sessions and I hope that you have found them valuable. Our Prep teachers have been busy putting together a special ‘Welcome to St Joseph’s’ parcel for our Preps which has been mailed out to families.
We have been busy working on our staffing and class structures for 2023 and I’m happy to announce that the 2023 staffing process has now been finalised. As a result of ongoing enrolment growth into the school, we have been fortunate to retain our two Year 2 classes and add a second Prep class. Due to this growth, we have recruited additional staff to join our amazing team. We have managed to recruit some excellent applicants and I am greatly looking forward to working with the new staff as they integrate into our community.
We are truly blessed at St Joseph’s to have such a dedicated, hardworking and collaborative teaching team. On behalf of our community, I wish to commend our teachers and school officers on their commitment to continued professional learning, their support of our children’s families and their support of all the members of our team to get the very best learning progress for each and every child.