There have been many moments this term to be grateful for. Being a part of St Joseph’s Parish is something to be proud of as we are a community who supports one another, works in partnership with others and continually makes decisions which are best for the children.
We have had many events including the Amazing Race, Book Week, Father’s Day Colour Run, Troy Dunn Rodeo Visit, Spirit of St Joseph Awards, School Dance, Jump Off as well as our regular Friday Assemblies and Stay and Play sessions.
This term we also had many potential preps visit from local Kindergartens for the come and try sessions. A reminder if you know anyone who has a child starting in Prep in 2023 to contact the school office and we can arrange school tour.
Thank you to all the St Joseph families for your support and partnership this term. It has been one of our busiest yet most productive. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
All students and staff will return to school on Tuesday 4th October 2022 for Term 4.
School Dance
Last night the students displayed their dance skills at the Just Dance school event. Each class showcased a dance they had been learning in Dance lessons in Term 2. After having to postpone the event earlier in the year, it was great to be able to gather and see the students’ dance moves, rhythm and big smiles. A big thank you to Miss Libby and the staff who have worked to prepare the students. Thank you, Matt Wallace, for giving up your time to be the MC and supplying the sound system. Thank you to P&F for serving the delicious food catered by Sodexo. We hope you all enjoyed the entertainment and were able to join in for a dance.
Week 1 School Camp
In Term 4 Week 1 the Year 6 students will be attending camp at Camp Paterson in Mareeba. Stacey Edmonds and Melanie Turner will accompany the students with Megan Pearce and Amanda O’Brien also visiting throughout the week.