This week St Jospeh’s acknowledge the most important week in the Church. Holy Week. As we journeyed with Christ, we reflected on events which lead to his destination, the cross.
Palm Sunday- This is the first day of Holy Week and on Wednesday Year 2 reminded us about the triumphant entry Jesus made into Jerusalem. People were so happy to see Jesus, they were waving palms and shouting “Hosanna” Palm Sunday. The students shared the Scripture, sang songs and read beautifully. Thank you Year 2.
Holy Thursday- On Holy Thursday we think about the time Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and shard a special meal with them. This week students had their hands washed in a reenactment of the washing of the feet. Representatives from each class around a round table and as the Scripture was read out they were showed the love and compassion that Jesus showed. Classes were then invited to return to class for a reenactment of the Last Supper, when Jesus broken bread and wine and shared it with the Disciples saying “do this in memory of me”
Stations of the Cross
This morning the Senior Learning Hub led the stations of the cross on the basketball court. They followed the same way that Jesus had walked as he went to the cross. The way of the Cross has fourteen stages called ‘stations’ and ends with Jesus being laid in the tomb. The Seniors presented the Way of the cross with the respect it deserves, by either acting or reading. Thank you, Seniors.
Our Way of the Cross does not end in sadness and despair. Great joy will come three days later with the celebration of the empty tomb on Easter morning. Wishing you all a restful and blessed Easter break.
Check out our Facebook page for more photos of our Holy Week activities