Book Week Celebrations began on Monday 24th August and will culminate with a Parade on Friday 28th August.
We are also holding our Annual Book Fair during Book Week. There is a large variety of books for sale at prices to suit everyone. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy some great books and help the Library gain new resources as the school receives 25% – 30% of the total sales as our Commission.
Book Fair Trading Hours – Monday 24th to Friday 28th August 2020
We will be open 8:00-8:30am each day next week and then again at 3:00-3:30pm. Social distancing rules apply, with minimal adults allowed. Cash or card payments are welcome.
Book Week Dress Up Day – Friday 28th August 2020
Unfortunately, due to covid-19 restrictions on social gathering, parents will not be able to be present. However, we are hoping that there will be plenty of pictures on our St Joseph’s media pages.
The theme this year is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. So, if your child would like to dress up in this theme, it could be quite fun. Otherwise, a favourite book character is another possibility.
Some possible dress up suggestions are:
- Wild Minds -wild hair, big brain hat, a hat with all your crazy ideas dangling off
- Curious creatures dress as a bunyip, unicorn, Lockness Monster
Website with lots of ideas